Benefits and role of the OECD for Germany
The OECD is a unique discourse system with corresponding feedback from the international to the national level and vice versa. This makes the OECD a suitable arena for introducing regulations, topics and discussions from the national level into the international debate and conversely, for underpinning them scientifically and thus giving national policy, particularly economic national policy a forward drive. Best practices can be identified through comparative analyses and studies and then be incorporated into national policy making.
In Germany, the OECD plays an equally important role a setter of international standards (“level playing field”). As membership in the OECD is based on like-mindedness, the OECD is capable of setting ambitious standards. Through the opening of a large number of standards and instruments to non-member states, their global impact is significantly increased.
The OECD has established itself as an important player in the global governance architecture. Together with other international organizations, it has an important advisory function in the political shaping of globalization. Thus, the OECD is involved in the G20/G7 summit preparations with a broad range of topics.